Striped Burrowing Frog

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Striped Burrowing Frog - Retrieved from


Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Classification Animalia Chordata Amphibia Anura Pelodryadidae Ranoidea Cyclorana alboguttata



The Striped Burrowing Frog or Cyclorana alboguttata is a species of Burrowing Frog known for its ability to bury itself in the mud for years without access to food or water. This ability is due to the heightened function of its Mitochondria, giving researchers hope for vital information regarding energy-dependent diseases such as Obesity and Mitochondrial Disease[1]

The Striped Burrowing Frog ranges in color with its dorsal ranging from olive, green or brown accompanied by darker markings. There are 1 to 3 pale yellow to yellow-green stripes down the middle of its back and along its sides. There is a black stripe from the base of its snout to its rear running across both eyes. The thighs range from light to dark brown to black with white spots and some brown specks along its chest and throat, both of which are white. Adult females grow to 85 mm in length and adult males grow to 70mm long. [3]


The species is found along the East coast of Australia spanning from Sydney into the Northern Territory. [2]


Diet & Behavior

Life Cycle

Ecological Role


[1] L. S. S. 2009, June 29. Frog Dozes in Mud for Years.

[2] BerkeleyMapper. (n.d.). .

[3] Wildlife of Greater Brisbane. Brisbane: Queensland Museum. 2007. pp. 221. ISBN 978-0-9775943-1-3.
