Soldiers Delight Serpentine Barrens plant list

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List of Wildflowers of the Soldiers Delight Natural Environment Area

Division Magnoliophyta - Angiosperms

Class Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons

Amaranthaceae - (Amaranth Family)

Apiaceae - (Carrot Family)

Apocynaceae - (Dogbane Family)

Asteraceae - (Aster Family)

Balsaminaceae - (Touch-me-not Family)

Boraginaceae - (Borage Family)

Brassicaceae - (Mustard Family)

Campanulaceae - (Bellflower family)

Caryophyllaceae - (Pink Family)

Chenopodiaceae - (Goosefoot Family)

Cistaceae - (Rockrose Family)

Clusiaceae - (Mangosteen Family)

Convolvulaceae - (Morning glory Family)

Ericaceae - (Heath Family)

Fabaceae - (Bean Family)

Gentianaceae - (Gentian Family)

Lamiaceae - (Mint Family)

Linaceae - (Flax Family)

  • Linum medium (Planch.) Britton - Common Yellow Flax[1][5][3]
  • Linum sulcatum Riddel - Grooved Yellow Flax[2] {G5, S1, E}
  • Linum virginianum L. - Virginia Yellow Flax[4]

Lythraceae - (Loosestrife Family)

Melastomataceae - (Meadow-beauty Family)

  • Rhexia mariana L. - Maryland Meadow Beauty[3]

Onagraceae - (Evening Primrose Family)

Orobanchaceae - (Broomrape Family)

Oxalidaceae - (Wood-sorrel Family)

Papaveraceae - (Poppy Family)

Phrymaceae - (Lopseed Family)

Phytolaccaceae - (Pokeweed Family)

Plantaginaceae - (Plantain Family)

Polemoniaceae - (Phlox Family)

Polygalaceae - (Milkwort Family)

Polygonaceae - (Buckwheat Family)

Portulacaceae - (Purslane Family)

Primulaceae - (Primrose Family)

Ranunculaceae - (Buttercup Family)

Rosaceae - (Rose Family)

Rubiaceae - (Madder Family)

Santalaceae - (Sandalwood Family)

  • Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. - Bastard Toadflax[5]

Saxifragaceae - (Saxifrage Family)

Scrophulariaceae - (Figwort Family)

Solanaceae - (Nightshade Family)

Urticaceae - (Nettle Family)

Violaceae - (Violet Family)

Class Liliopsida - Monocotyledons

Amaryllidaceae - (Amaryllis Family)

Araceae - (Arum Family)

Commelinaceae - (Spiderwort Family)

Dioscoreaceae - (Yam Family)

Iridaceae - (Iris Family)

Lemnaceae - (Duckweed Family)

Liliaceae - (Lily Family)

Orchidaceae - (Orchid Family)

Smilacaceae - (Greenbrier Family)

List of Woody Plants of the Soldiers Delight Natural Environmental Area

Division Pinophyta (Gymnosperms)

Cupressaceae - (Cypress Family)

Pinaceae - (Pine Family)

Division Magnoliophyta (Angiosperms)

Class Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons)

Aceraceae - (Maple Family)

Anacardiaceae - (Cashew Family)

Berberidaceae - (Barberry Family)

Betulaceae - (Birch Family)

Caprifoliaceae - (Honeysuckle Family)

Celastraceae - (Staff-tree Family)

Cornaceae - (Dogwood Family)

Ebenaceae - (Ebony Family)

Elaeagnaceae - (Oleaster Family)

Ericaceae - (Heath Family)

Hamamelidaceae - (Witch-hazel Family)

Juglandaceae - (Walnut Family)

Lauraceae - (Laurel Family)

Magnoliaceae - (Magnolia Family)

Platanaceae - (Plane-tree Family)

Rosaceae - (Rose Family)

Salicaceae - (Willow Family)

Simaroubaceae - (Quassia Family)

Vitaceae - (Grape Family)

Class Liliopsida (Monocotyledons)

Smilacaceae - (Greenbrier Family)

List of Graminoids of the Soldiers Delight Natural Environmental Area

Division Magnoliophyta; Class LiliopsidaMonocotyledons; Order Poales.


Cyperaceae (Sedge Family)

  • Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) C.B. Clarke - Thread-leaf Beak-sedge[Wo]
  • Carex bicknellii Britt. - Bicknell's Sedge [Wo]
  • Carex bullata Schkuhr - Button Sedge [M, R]
  • Carex caroliniana Schwein. - Carolina Sedge [Wo]
  • Carex cephalophora Muhl. - Oval-headed Sedge [Wo]
  • Carex complanata Torr. & Hook. - Hirsute Sedge [M, R, Wo]
  • Carex convoluta Mackenzie? - [R]
  • Carex flaccosperma Dewey - Thin-fruited Sedge [R, Wo]
  • Carex hystericina Muhl. - Porcupine Sedge, Bottlebrush Sedge [R] {G5, S1, E}
  • Carex lupulina Muhl. - Hop Sedge [Wo]
  • Carex lurida Wahl. - Lurid Sedge, Sallow Sedge [Wo]
  • Carex nigromarginata Schwein. - Black-edge Sedge [Wo]
  • Carex pensylvanica Lam. - Pennsylvania Sedge [R, Wo]
  • Carex richardsonii R. Br. - Richardson's Sedge {G4, S1, E}
  • Carex rosea Schkuhr - Rosy Sedge, Stellate Sedge, Curly-Styled Wood Sedge [M, R]
  • Carex seorsa E.C. Howe - Weak Stellate Sedge [R]
  • Carex swanii (Fern.) Mackenzie - Swan's Sedge, Downy Green Sedge [Wo]
  • Carex umbellata Schk. - Parasol Sedge, Early Oak Sedge [R]
  • Cyperus esculentus L. - Yellow nutsedge [Wo]
  • Cyperus strigosus L.- Straw-colored Cyperus, Straw-colored Flat-sedge [M, R, Wo]
  • Eleocharis tenuis (Willd.) Schultes - Kill Cow, Slender Spikerush [M, R, Wo]
  • Eleocharis ovata (Roth) Roemer & Schultes - Blunt Spikerush, Ovate Spikerush [Wo]
  • Fimbristylis annua (All.) Roemer & Schultes - Annual Fimbry [M, R, We, Wo]
  • Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) R. & S. - Autumn Sedge, Slender Fimbry [M, R]
  • Rhynchospora alba (L.) Vahl - White Beak-rush [M, R, Wo]
  • Scirpus atrovirens Willd. - Black Bulrush, Dark Green Bulrush [M, Wo]
  • Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth - Woolgrass [Wo]
  • Scirpus hattorianus Makino - Early Dark-green Bulrush, Mosquito Bulrush [R]
  • Schoenoplectus validus (Vahl.) A. & D. Löve - Great Bulrush, Soft-stem Bulrush [M, R]
  • Scleria pauciflora Muhl. ex Willd. - Carolina Whipgrass, Few-flower Nutrush [M, R, Wo]

Juncaceae (Rush Family)

  • Juncus acuminatus Michx. - Tapertip Rush, Sharp-fruited Rush, Knotty Leaf Rush [Wo]
  • Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelm.) Fern. - Short-tailed Rush, Narrow-panicle Rush [M] {G5, S2}
  • Juncus bufonius L. - Toad Rush [M, Wo]
  • Juncus canadensis J. Gay - Canada Rush [M, Wo]
  • Juncus dichotomus Elliott (Syn. Juncus tenuis Willd. var. dichotomus (Elliott) A. Wood) - Forked Rush [Wo]
  • Juncus dudley Wiegand (Syn. Juncus tenuis Willd. var. dudleyi (Weig.) F.J. Herm.) - Dudley's Rush [R, Wo]
  • Juncus effusus L. - Common or Soft rush [Wo]
  • Juncus secundus Beauv. - Lopsided Rush, Nodding Rush [M, R, Wo]
  • Juncus subcaudatus (Engelm.) Conv. & Blake - Tailed Rush [M, R]
  • Juncus tenuis Willd. - Path Rush, Slender rush, Poverty Rush, Field Rush [M, R, We, Wo]
  • Luzula bulbosa (Wood.) Rydb. - Bulbous Woodrush [Wo]

Poaceae (Grass Family)

Typhaceae (Cattail Family)


  • Ongoing Survey List of Plants of Soldier's Delight.[1]Template:Dead link
  • Brown, Russell G., and Melvin L. Brown. 1972. Woody Plants of Maryland. Port City Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 347 pages.
  • Davis, Charles A. 2004. List of Plants of Soldier's Delight. (Unpublished).
  • [F]   Fleming, Cristol, Marion B. Lobstein. 1995. Finding Wildflowers in the Washington-Baltimore Area. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 312 pages.
  • Gleason, Henry A., and Arthur Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. (Second Edition) The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458, 910 pages.
  • Google Hybrid Map. 2006. Target building, Soldiers Delight Visitor Center. [2]
  • Holmgren, Noel H. 1998. Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist's Manual. Illustrations of the Vascular Plants of Northeastern U. S. and Adjacent Canada. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458, 937 pages.
  • Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2003. Explanation of Rank and Status Codes. [3]
  • Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2004. Current and Historical Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of Baltimore County, Maryland. [4]
  • [M]   Monteferrante, Frank. 1973. A Phytosociological Study of Soldiers Delight, Baltimore County, Maryland. Towson State College, Towson, Maryland.
  • [R]   Reed, Clyde F. 1984. Floras of the Serpentinite Formations in Eastern North America, with descriptions of geomorphology and mineralogy of the formations. Reed Herbarium, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • [We]   Wennerstrom, Jack. 1995. Soldiers Delight Journal - Exploring a Globally Rare Ecosystem. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburg and London, 247 pages.
  • [Wo]   Worthley, Elmer G. (1955-1985) List of Plants of Soldier's Delight. Unpublished.
  • [Wood]   Wood, Sarah G. 1984. Mineral Element Composition of Forest Communities and Soils at Soldiers Delight, Maryland. Towson State University, Towson, Marland.
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