Serpentine Barrens

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Revision as of 11:23, 2 May 2021 by Jpkloste (talk | contribs)
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Serpentine Barrens are rare and unique ecoregions that can be found globally in small pockets of land with serpentine bedrock and soil. The term "serpentine barren" generally refers to a serpentine outcrop and its associated vegetation. Historically, European settlers associated the word "barren" with landscapes that have little to no timber-sized trees. [ ]

Soil formation: sea rock uplifted to crust. Ultra Mafic.

Evolution and soil edaphism:

East Coast Serpentine Barrens: Add map of barrens. Briefly describe history + formation

Flora: Photos reel of plants. Plant list.

Threats and Restoration Efforts: Invasive species, hydrology, fire

Bioremediation: proxy for restoration ecology bc of high metal content