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| ==List of Wildflowers of the Soldiers Delight Natural Environment Area==
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| Division '''[[Magnoliophyta]]''' - Angiosperms
| | {{short description|Wikipedia list article}} |
| | The '''[[Grass|Graminoids]]''' of '''[[Soldiers Delight Natural Environmental Area]]''', located in western [[Baltimore County, Maryland|Baltimore County]], [[Maryland]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/central/soldiers.html |title=Archived copy |accessdate=2007-12-23 |url-status=dead |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20071210134004/http://www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/central/soldiers.html |archivedate=2007-12-10 }} [http://www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/central/soldiersguide.html dnr.state.md: SDNEA guide] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20071210143105/http://www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/central/soldiersguide.html |date=2007-12-10 }}</ref> Graminoids, within the [[Order (biology)|order]] of [[Poales]], include: [[Poaceae|grasses]] (Poaceae), [[Cyperaceae|sedge]]s (Cyperaceae), [[Juncaceae|rush]]es (Juncaceae), and [[Typhaceae|cattail]]s (Typhaceae). |
| | <ref>[http://www.mgs.md.gov/esic/features/soldiers.html dnr.state.md: SDNEA Features]</ref> |
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| Class '''[[Magnoliopsida]]''' - Dicotyledons
| | ==Introduction== |
| | | Much of the area of the Soldiers Delight NEA, which totals {{convert|1900|acre|km2}} of protected land, contains a [[serpentine soil|serpentine]] barren that contains a number of rare and endangered species of plants.<ref>[http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2001AM/finalprogram/abstract_18946.htm] [https://web.archive.org/web/20041030184247/http://www.dnr.state.md.us/wildlife/serpentine.asp gsa.confex.com: Serpentine]</ref> |
| '''[[Amaranthaceae]]''' - ([[Amaranth]] Family)
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| *''[[Amaranthus retroflexus]]'' L. - Pigweed<ref name="M"/>
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| '''[[Apiaceae]]''' - ([[Carrot]] Family)
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| *''[[Daucus carota]]'' L. - [[Daucus carota|Queen Anne's Lace]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| '''[[Apocynaceae]]''' - ([[Dogbane]] Family)
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| *'''[[Apocynoideae]]''' - Subfamily
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| **''[[Apocynum androsaemifolium]]'' L. - [[Spreading Dogbane]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| **''[[Apocynum cannabinum]]'' L. - Indian Hemp<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *'''[[Asclepiadoideae]]''' - Subfamily
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| **''[[Asclepias amplexicaulis]]'' Sm. - [[Blunt-leaved Milkweed]]<ref name="Wo"/>
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| **''[[Asclepias incarnata]]'' L. - [[Swamp Milkweed]]<ref name="Wo"/>
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| **''[[Asclepias syriaca]]'' L. - [[Common Milkweed]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/>
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| **''[[Asclepias verticillata]]'' L. - Whorled Milkweed<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| **''[[Asclepias viridiflora]]'' Raf. - Green Milkweed<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/>
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| | |
| '''[[Asteraceae]]''' - ([[Aster (genus)|Aster]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Achillea millefolium]]'' L. - [[Yarrow]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Ambrosia artemisiifolia]]'' L. - Common Ragweed<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Ambrosia trifida]]'' L. - Giant Ragweed [M, Wo]<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Anaphalis margaritacea]]'' (L.) Benth. & Hook. - Pearly Everlasting<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Antennaria plantaginifolia]]'' (L.) Richardson - Plantain-leaf Pussytoes<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Anthemis arvensis]]'' L. - [[Field Chamomile]]<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Anthemis cotula]]'' L. - Mayweed, Dogfennel<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Aster tataricus]]'' L.f. - Tatarian Aster<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Bidens bipinnata]]'' L. - Spanish Needles<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Bidens frondosa]]'' L. - [[Devil's beggartick]]<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Bidens polylepis]]'' Blake - Tickseed Sunflower<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Carduus nutans]]'' L. - [[Musk thistle]]<ref name="M"/>
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| *''[[Leucanthemum vulgare]]'' L. - Ox-eye Daisy<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Chrysanthemum parthenium]]'' (L.) Bernh. - Feverfew<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Chrysopsis mariana]]'' (L.) Ell. - Maryland Golden Aster<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Cichorium intybus]]'' L. – [[Chicory]]<ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Cirsium arvense]]'' (L.) Scop. - [[Canada Thistle]]<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Cirsium discolor]]'' (Muhl.) Sprengel - Field Thistle [Hand-out]
| |
| *''[[Cirsium horridulum]]'' Michx. - Yellow Thistle<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Cirsium muticum]]'' Michx. - Swamp Thistle<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Conyza canadensis]]'' (L.) Cronq. - [[Conyza canadensis|Horseweed]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Erechtites hieracifolia]]'' (L.) Raf. - [[Pilewort]], [[Fireweed]]<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Erigeron annuus]]'' (L.) Pers. - Daisy or Annual Fleabane<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Erigeron pulchellus]]'' Michx. - Robin's Plantain<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Erigeron strigosus]]'' Muhl. ''ex'' Wild - Daisy Fleabane<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Eupatorium altissimum]]'' L. - Tall Thoroughwort <ref name="R"/>
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| *''[[Eupatorium aromaticum]]'' L. - Aromatic Thoroughwort <ref name="R"/>
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| *''[[Eupatorium fistulosum]]'' Barratt - [[Joe-Pye Weed]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Eupatorium perfoliatum]]'' L. - [[Boneset]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Eupatorium rugosum]]'' Houttuyn. - [[Eupatorium rugosum|White Snakeroot]] <ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Eupatorium sessilifolium]]'' L. - Upland Boneset<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Eurybia divaricata]]'' (L.) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster divaricatus'') - White Wood Aster<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Eurybia schreberi]]'' (Nees) Nees (Syn. ''Aster schreberi'') - Schreber's Aster<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Euthamia graminifolia]]'' (L.) Nutt. (Syn. ''[[Solidago]] graminifolia'') - Lance-leaf Goldenrod<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Galinsoga quadriradiata]]'' Ruiz & Pavon - Galinsoga <ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Helenium autumnale]]'' L. - Yellow Sneezeweed <ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Helianthus annuus]]'' L. - [[Sunflower]] <ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Helianthus decapetalus]]'' L. - Thin-leaf Sunflower<ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Heliopsis helianthoides]]'' (L.) Sweet - Ox-eye<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Hieracium caespitosum]]'' Dumort - Yellow King Devil<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Hieracium gronovii]]'' L. - Hairy Hawkweed<ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Hieracium paniculatum]]'' L. - Panicled Hawkweed<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Hieracium scabrum]]'' Michx. - Rough Hawkweed<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Hieracium venosum]]'' L. - Rattlesnake Weed<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Ionactis linariifolia]]'' (L.) Greene (Syn. ''Aster linariifolius'') - Flax-leaf White-top Aster<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Krigia virginica]]'' (L.) Willd. – Dwarf Dandelion<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Lactuca saligna]]'' L. – Willow-leaf Lettuce<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Lactuca serriola]]'' L. – [[Prickly Lettuce]]<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Liatris]] graminifolia'' Willd. – [[Grass-leaf Blazing-star]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Liatris spicata]]'' (L.) Willd. - [[Spiked Blazing-star]]<ref name="F"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/> {G5, S1}
| |
| *''[[Matricaria discoidea]]'' D.C. – Pineapple Weed<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Mikania scandens]]'' (L.) Willd. – Climbing Hempweed<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Oclemena acuminata]]'' (Michx.) Greene (Syn. ''Aster acuminatus'') - Whorled Wood Aster<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Packera anonyma]]'' (A. Wood) W.A. Weber & A. Löve (Syn. ''Senecio smallii, Senecio anonymus'') - Southern Ragwort<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Packera paupercula]]'' (Michx.) A. Löve & D. Löve (Syn. ''Senecio balsamitae, Senecio pauperculus'') - Balsam Ragwort, Balsam Groundsel<ref name="F"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium]]'' (L.) Hilliard & Burtt (Syn. ''Gnaphalium obtusifolium'') - Rabbit-tobacco, Sweet Everlasting, Fragrant Cudweed<ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Rudbeckia hirta]]'' L. – Black-eyed Susan<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Rudbeckia laciniata]]'' L. – [[Cutleaf coneflower]], Green-head Coneflower<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Rudbeckia triloba]]'' L. – Three-lobed Coneflower<ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Sericocarpus]] asteroides'' (L.) B.S.P. (Syn. ''Aster paternus'') - Toothed White-top Aster<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago bicolor]]'' L. - Silver-rod<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago caesia]]'' L. - Blue-stemmed Goldenrod<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago canadensis]]'' L. - Canada Goldenrod<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago canadensis]]'' L. var. ''scabra'' T. & G. - Tall Goldenrod<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago gigantea]]'' Ait. - Late Goldenrod<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago hispida]]'' Muhl. - Hispid Goldenrod<ref name="R"/>{G5, SH, X}
| |
| *''[[Solidago juncea]]'' Aiton - Early Goldenrod<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago nemoralis]]'' Aiton - Gray Goldenrod<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago patula]]'' Muhl. - Rough-leaved Goldenrod<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago rigida]]'' L. - Stiff Goldenrod<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago rugosa]]'' Mill. - Wrinkle-leaf Goldenrod<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago stricta]]'' Ait. - Willow-leaf Goldenrod<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Solidago ulmifolia]]'' Muhl. ''ex'' Willd. - Elm-leaf Goldenrod<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Taraxacum officinale]]'' Weber - [[Dandelion]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum cordifolium]]'' (L.) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster cordifolius'') - Common Blue Wood Aster<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum depauperatum]]'' ([[Fern]].) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster depauperatus'') - Eastern Serpentine Aster<ref name="F"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/> {G2, S1, E}
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum dumosum]]'' (L.) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster dumosum'') - Rice Button Aster<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum ericoides]]'' (L.) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster ericoides'') - White Heath Aster<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum laeve]]'' (L.) A. Löve & D. Löve (Syn. ''Aster laevis'') - Smooth Blue Aster<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum lateriflorum]]'' (L.) A. Löve & D. Löve (Syn. ''Aster lateriflorus'') - Calico Aster<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum novae-angliae]]'' (L.) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster novae-angliae'') - New England Aster<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum novi-belgii]]'' (L.) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster novi-belgii'') - New York Aster<ref name="F"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum]] patens'' (Ait.) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster patens'') - Late Purple Aster<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum pilosum]]'' (Willd.) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster pilosus'') - Hairy White Heath Aster<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum]] racemosum'' (Ell.) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster racemosus'') - Smooth White Oldfield Aster<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symphyotrichum]] undulatum'' (L.) G.L. Nesom (Syn. ''Aster undulatus'') - Wavy-leaf Aster<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Verbesina alternifolia]]'' (L.) Britton - Wingstem<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Vernonia noveboracensis]]'' (L.) Michx. - New York Ironweed<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Balsaminaceae]]''' - (Touch-me-not Family)
| |
| *''[[Impatiens capensis]]'' Meerb. – Common Jewelweed<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Boraginaceae]]''' - ([[Borage]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Echium vulgare]]'' L. - [[Viper's Bugloss]]<ref name="M"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Brassicaceae]]''' - ([[Mustard plant|Mustard]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Arabidopsis lyrata]]'' L. - Lyre-leaved Rock Cress<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Arabidopsis thaliana]]'' (L.) Heynh. - Mouse-ear Cress<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Barbarea vulgaris]]'' R. Br. - Winter Cress<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Camelina microcarpa]]'' Andrz. - Small-fruited False-flax<ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Cardamine angustata]]'' O.E. Schulz (Syn. ''Dentaria heterophylla'') - Slender Toothwort<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Cardamine hirsuta]]'' L. - Hairy Bitter-cress
| |
| *''[[Draba verna]]'' L. - Spring Draba, Whitlow-grass
| |
| *''[[Lepidium campestre]]'' (L.) R.Br. - Field Peppergrass<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Lepidium virginicum]]'' L. - Wild Peppergrass<ref name="M"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Campanulaceae]]''' - (Bellflower family)
| |
| *''[[Lobelia cardinalis]]'' L. - [[Cardinal flower]]<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Lobelia inflata]]'' L. - Indian Tobacco<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Lobelia siphilitica]]'' L. - Great Lobelia [F, M, We]
| |
| *''[[Lobelia spicata]]'' Lam. - Spiked Lobelia<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Triodanis perfoliata]]'' (L.) Nieuwl. (Syn. ''Specularia perfoliata'') - Clasping Venus' Looking-glass<ref name="M"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Caryophyllaceae]]''' - (Pink Family)
| |
| *''[[Cerastium arvense]]'' L. var. ''villosissimum'' (Muhl. ''ex'' Darl.) Hollick & Britt. (Syn. ''Cerastium arvense'' L. var. ''villosissimum'' Pennell - Serpentine Chickweed<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Cerastium vulgatum]]'' L. - Common Mouse-ear Chickweed<ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Dianthus armeria]]'' L. - [[Deptford Pink]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Silene antirrhina]]'' L. - Sleepy Catchfly<ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Silene caroliniana]]'' Walter - Wild Pink<ref name="F"/>
| |
| *''[[Silene latifolia]]'' Poiret - White Campion<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Stellaria media]]'' (L.) Vill. - [[Common Chickweed]]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Chenopodiaceae]]''' - ([[Goosefoot]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Chenopodium album]]'' L. - Lamb's quarters<ref name="M"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Cistaceae]]''' - ([[Rockrose]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Helianthemum]] bicknellii'' Fern. - Hairy Frostweed<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/> {G5, S1, E}
| |
| *''Lechea minor'' L. - Thyme-leaved Pinweed<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Clusiaceae]]''' - ([[Mangosteen]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Hypericum canadense]]'' L. - Canadian St. John's Wort<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Hypericum denticulatum]]'' Walt. - Coppery St. John's Wort<ref name="M"/> {G5, S2, T}
| |
| *''[[Hypericum gentianoides]]'' (L.) BSP. - Pinweed [F, M]
| |
| *''[[Hypericum mutilum]]'' L. - Dwarf St. John's Wort<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Hypericum perforatum]]'' L. - [[St. John's Wort]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Hypericum punctatum]]'' Lam. - Spotted St. John's Wort<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Hypericum virginicum]]'' L. - Marsh St. John's Wort<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Convolvulaceae]]''' - ([[Morning glory]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Calystegia]] spithamea'' (L.) Pursh. - Low Bindweed<ref name="M"/> {G4, S2}
| |
| *''[[Convolvulus arvensis]]'' L. - Field Bindweed<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Cuscuta gronovii]]'' Willd. - Common Dodder<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Ericaceae]]''' - (Heath Family)
| |
| *''[[Chimaphila maculata]]'' (L.) Pursh. - [[Spotted Wintergreen]]<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Chimaphila umbellata]]'' (L.) Barton - [[Chimaphila umbellata|Pipsissewa]]<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Epigaea repens]]'' L. - Trailing Arbutus<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Monotropa uniflora]]'' L. - [[Indian Pipe]]<ref name="M"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Fabaceae]]''' - ([[Bean]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Baptisia tinctoria]]'' (L.) R. Brown - Wild Indigo<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Chamaecrista fasciculata]]'' (Michx.) Greene (Syn. ''[[Cassia (legume)|Cassia]] fasciculata'') - Large-flowered Partridge Pea<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Chamaecrista nictitans]]'' (L.) Moench. (Syn. ''[[Cassia (legume)|Cassia]] nictitans'') - Wild Sensitive Plant<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Crotalaria]] sagittalis'' L. - Rattlebox<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Desmodium]] canadense'' (L.) DC. - Showy Tick-trefoil<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Desmodium]] ciliare'' (Muhl.) DC. - Hairy Small-leaf Tick-trefoil<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Desmodium]] cuspidatum'' (Muhl.) Loudon - Large-bracted Tick-trefoil<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Desmodium]] lineatum'' (Michx.) DC. - Linear-leaved Tick-trefoil<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/> {G5, S1, E}
| |
| *''[[Desmodium]] marilandicum'' (L.) DC. - Smooth Small-leaved Tick-trefoil<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Desmodium]] nudiflorum'' (L.) DC. - Naked-flowered Tick-trefoil<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Desmodium]] paniculatum'' (L.) DC. - Panicled Tick-trefoil<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Desmodium]] rigidum'' (Ell.) DC. - Rigid Tick-trefoil<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/> {G?, S1, E}
| |
| *''[[Lathyrus latifolius]]'' L. - Everlasting pea<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Lespedeza]] cuneata'' (Dumont) G. Don - Chinese Lespedeza<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/>
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| *''[[Lespedeza]] stipulacea'' Maxim. - Korean Bushclover<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Lespedeza]] virginica'' L. - Slender Bushclover<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Medicago]] lupulina'' L. - Black Medic<ref name="M"/>
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| *''[[Melilotus albus]]'' Desr. - [[White Sweet Clover]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Melilotus officinalis]]'' Desr. - [[Yellow Sweet Clover]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''Strophostyles umbellata'' (Muhl.) Britton - Pink Wild Bean<ref name="Wo"/>
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| *''[[Trifolium aureum]]'' Pollich - [[Large Hop Trefoil]]<ref name="M"/>
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| *''[[Trifolium]] dubium'' Sibth. - Little Hop Clover<ref name="M"/>
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| *''[[Trifolium pratense]]'' L. - [[Red Clover]]<ref name="M"/>
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| *''[[Vicia]] angustifolia'' Reichard - Narrow-leaved Vetch<ref name="M"/>
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| | |
| '''[[Gentianaceae]]''' - ([[Gentian]] Family)
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| *''Gentianopsis crinita'' (Froelich) Ma (Syn. ''[[Gentiana crinita]]'') - [[Gentianopsis crinita|Fringed gentian]]<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/> {G5, S1, E}
| |
| *''Sabatia angularis'' (L.) Pursh. - Rose Pink<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''Sabatia calycina'' (Lam.) A.A. Heller -<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Lamiaceae]]''' - (Mint Family)
| |
| *''[[Cunila origanoides]]'' (L.) Britton - Common Dittany<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Glechoma hederacea]]'' L. - Ground-ivy<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Lamium amplexicaule]]'' L.- [[Lamium amplexicaule|Henbit]]
| |
| *''[[Lamium purpureum]]'' L. - [[Red Deadnettle]]
| |
| *''[[Prunella vulgaris]]'' L. - Heal-all, Self-heal<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Pycnanthemum]] flexuosum'' (Walter) BSP - Mountain-mint<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Pycnanthemum tenuifolium]]'' Schrader - Narrow-leaved Mountain-mint<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Scutellaria]] integrifolia'' L. - Hyssop Skullcap<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Trichostema]] brachiatum'' L. (Syn. ''Isanthus brachiatus'') - False Pennyroyal, Fluxweed <ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Linaceae]]''' - ([[Flax]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Linum]] medium'' (Planch.) Britton - Common Yellow Flax<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Linum]] sulcatum'' Riddel - Grooved Yellow Flax<ref name="We"/> {G5, S1, E}
| |
| *''[[Linum]] virginianum'' L. - Virginia Yellow Flax<ref name="F"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Lythraceae]]''' - ([[Lythrum|Loosestrife]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Cuphea viscosissima]]'' Jacq. - Clammy Cuphea<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Melastomataceae]]''' - (Meadow-beauty Family)
| |
| *''[[Rhexia]] mariana'' L. - Maryland Meadow Beauty<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Onagraceae]]''' - ([[Evening Primrose]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Epilobium]] coloratum'' Biehler - Purple-leaved Willow-herb<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Oenothera biennis]]'' L. - Common Evening Primrose<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Oenothera]] fruticosa'' L. - Sundrops<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Oenothera]] perennis'' L. - Small Sundrops<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Oenothera]] tetragona'' Roth - Northern Sundrops<ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Orobanchaceae]]''' - ([[Broomrape]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Agalinis acuta]]'' Pennell - Sandplain [[Agalinis|Gerardia]]<ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/> {G1, S1, E, LE}
| |
| *''[[Agalinis]] fasciculata'' (Ell.) Raf. - Fascicled Agalinis<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/> {G5, S1, E}
| |
| *''[[Agalinis]] obtusifolia'' Raf. - Blunt-leaf Agalinis<ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/> {G4, S1, E}
| |
| *''[[Agalinis purpurea]]'' (L.) Pinnell - Purple [[Agalinis|Gerardia]]<ref name="F"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Agalinis tenuifolia]]'' (M. Vahl) Raf. - Slender [[Agalinis|Gerardia]]<ref name="F"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Aureolaria pedicularia]]'' (L.) Raf. - Fern-leaved False-foxglove<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Oxalidaceae]]''' - (Wood-sorrel Family)
| |
| *''[[Oxalis]] dillenii'' Jacquin - Southern Yellow Wood-sorrel<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Oxalis stricta]]'' L. - Common Yellow Wood-sorrel<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Oxalis]] violacea'' L. - Violet Wood-sorrel [EU]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Papaveraceae]]''' - ([[Poppy (flower)|Poppy]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Sanguinaria canadensis]]'' L. - [[Bloodroot]]<ref name="We"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Phrymaceae]]''' - ([[Lopseed]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Mimulus ringens]]'' L. - Square-stemmed Monkey Flower<ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Phytolaccaceae]]''' - ([[Pokeweed]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Phytolacca americana]]'' L. - [[Pokeweed]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Plantaginaceae]]''' - ([[Plantago|Plantain]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Chelone glabra]]'' L. - White Turtlehead<ref name="F"/>
| |
| *''[[Linaria vulgaris]]'' Hill. - Butter and eggs<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Penstemon digitalis]]'' Nutt. - Foxglove, Tall White Beard-tongue<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Plantago aristata]]'' Michx. - Bracted Plantain<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Plantago lanceolata]]'' L. - [[Ribwort Plantain]]<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Plantago rugelii]]'' Dcne. - Broad-leaved Plantain<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Veronica arvensis]]'' L. - Corn Speedwell<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Veronica hederifolia]]'' L. - Ivy-leaf Speedwell
| |
| *''[[Veronica officinalis]]'' L. - [[Heath Speedwell]]<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Veronica peregrina]]'' L. - Purslane Speedwell<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Veronica persica]]'' Poiret - Persian Speedwell, Bird's-eye Speedwell
| |
| *''[[Veronica serpyllifolia]]'' L. - Thyme-leaf Speedwell<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Polemoniaceae]]''' - ([[Phlox]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Phlox]] subulata'' L. - [[Moss]] Phlox, Moss Pink<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Polygalaceae]]''' - ([[Milkwort]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Polygala]] verticillata'' L. - Whorled Milkwort<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Polygonaceae]]''' - ([[Buckwheat]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Polygonum pensylvanicum]]'' L. - Pennsylvania Smartweed<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Polygonum]] tenue'' Michx. - Slender Knotweed<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Rumex crispus]]'' L. - [[Curley Dock]]<ref name="M"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Portulacaceae]]''' - ([[Portulacaceae|Purslane]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Claytonia virginica]]'' L. - [[Eastern spring beauty]]<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Talinum]] teretifolium'' Pursh - Flameflower<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/> {G4, S1}
| |
| | |
| '''[[Primulaceae]]''' - ([[Primulaceae|Primrose]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Anagallis arvensis]]'' L. - [[Scarlet Pimpernel]]<ref name="M"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Ranunculaceae]]''' - ([[Buttercup]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Anemone quinquefolia]]'' L. - Wood Anemone<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Cimicifuga racemosa]]'' (L.) Nutt. - [[Black cohosh]]<ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Clematis virginiana]]'' L. - Virgin's Bower [Hand-out]
| |
| *''[[Hepatica]] americana'' (DC.) KerGawler - Round-lobed Hepatica<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Thalictrum thalictroides]]'' (L.) Eames & Boivin - [[Rue anemone]]<ref name="We"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Rosaceae]]''' - ([[Rose]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Potentilla]] canadensis'' L. - Dwarf Cinquefoil<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Potentilla]] norvegica'' L. - Rough Cinquefoil<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Potentilla]] recta'' L. - Rough-fruited Cinquefoil<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Potentilla]] simplex'' Michx. - Common Cinquefoil<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Sanguisorba]] canadensis'' L. - Canadian Burnet<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/> {G5, S2, T}
| |
| | |
| '''[[Rubiaceae]]''' - ([[Rubia|Madder]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Houstonia caerulea]]'' L. (Syn. ''Hedyotis caerulea'') - Bluets, Quaker Ladies<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Houstonia purpurea]]'' L. (Syn. ''Hedyotis purpurea'') - Large Houstonia [Hand-out]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Santalaceae]]''' - ([[Sandalwood]] Family)
| |
| *''Comandra umbellata'' (L.) Nutt. - Bastard Toadflax<ref name="R"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Saxifragaceae]]''' - ([[Saxifrage]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Saxifraga virginiensis]]'' Michx. - Early Saxifrage<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Scrophulariaceae]]''' - ([[Figwort]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Verbascum blattaria]]'' L. - Moth Mullein<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Verbascum thapsus]]'' L. - [[Common Mullein]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Solanaceae]]''' - ([[Nightshade]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Solanum carolinense]]'' L. - [[Carolina horsenettle]]<ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Solanum dulcamara]]'' L. - Bittersweet<ref name="M"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Urticaceae]]''' - ([[Urtica|Nettle]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Laportea canadensis]]'' (L.) Gray - Wood-nettle<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Violaceae]]''' - ([[Violet (plant)|Violet]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Violet (plant)|Viola]] palmata'' L. - Palmate-leaved Violet<ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Viola pedata]]'' L. - Bird's-foot Violet (lilac & bicolor)<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Viola rotundifolia]]'' Michx. - Yellow Violet<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Viola sagittata]]'' Aiton (Syn. ''V. fimbriatula'') - Arrow-leaf Violet<ref name="F"/><ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Viola sororia]]'' Willd. (Syn. ''V. papilionacea'') - Common Blue Violet<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| Class '''[[Liliopsida]]''' - Monocotyledons
| |
| | |
| '''[[Amaryllidaceae]]''' - ([[Amaryllis]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Hypoxis hirsuta]]'' (L.) Coville - Yellow Stargrass<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Araceae]]''' - ([[Arum]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Acorus calamus]]'' L. - [[Sweet Flag]], Calamus<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Arisaema triphyllum]]'' (L.) Schott - [[Arisaema triphyllum|Jack-in-the-Pulpit]]<ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Orontium aquaticum]]'' L. - Golden Club<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Symplocarpus foetidus]]'' (L.) Nutt.- [[Eastern Skunk Cabbage]]<ref name="We"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Commelinaceae]]''' - ([[Spiderwort]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Commelina communis]]'' L.- Asiatic Dayflower<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Tradescantia virginiana]]'' L. - Spiderwort<ref name="We"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Dioscoreaceae]]''' - ([[Yam (vegetable)|Yam]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Dioscorea villosa]]'' L. - [[Wild yam]]<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Iridaceae]]''' - ([[Iris (plant)|Iris]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Sisyrinchium angustifolium]]'' Mill.- Stout Blue-eyed Grass<ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Sisyrinchium]] atlanticum'' Bick. -<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Sisyrinchium]] mucronatum'' Michx. - Slender Blue-eyed Grass<ref name="M"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Lemnaceae]]''' - ([[Duckweed]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Lemna]] minor'' L. - Smaller Duckweed<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Spirodela]] polyrhiza'' (L.) Schleid. - Greater Duckweed<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Liliaceae]]''' - ([[Lily]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Allium canadense]]'' L. - [[Meadow Garlic]]<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Allium vineale]]'' L. - [[Crow Garlic]]<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Asparagus officinalis]]'' L. - Garden [[Asparagus]]<ref name="M"/>
| |
| *''[[Hemerocallis fulva]]'' L. - Orange Daylily<ref name="M"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Lilium superbum]]'' L. - Turk's-cap Lily<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Ornithogalum umbellatum]]'' L. - Star-of-Bethlehem<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Polygonatum biflorum]]'' (Walt.) Ell. - Smooth Solomon's-seal<ref name="R"/>
| |
| *''[[Maianthemum racemosum]]'' (L.) Link Syn. ''Smilicina racemosa'' - False Solomon's Seal<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Veratrum viride]]'' Ait. - [[Green false hellebore]]<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Orchidaceae]]''' - ([[Orchid]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Cypripedium acaule]]'' Aiton - Pink Lady's Slipper<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Galearis spectabilis]]'' L. - Showy Orchis<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Goodyera pubescens]]'' (Willd.) R. Br. - Downy Rattlesnake Plantain<ref name="We"/>
| |
| *''[[Liparis loeselii]]'' (L.) Richard - Loesel's Twayblade<ref name="R"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Spiranthes cernua]]'' (L.) Richard - Nodding Ladies'-tresses<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| *''[[Spiranthes lacera]]'' (Raf.) Raf. (Syn. ''S. gracilis'') - Slender Ladies'-tresses<ref name="F"/><ref name="R"/><ref name="We"/><ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| '''[[Smilacaceae]]''' - ([[Smilax|Greenbrier]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Smilax herbacea]]'' L. - Carrion Flower<ref name="Wo"/>
| |
| | |
| | |
| ==List of Woody Plants of the Soldiers Delight Natural Environmental Area==
| |
| | |
| ===Division [[Pinophyta]] ([[Gymnosperms]])===
| |
| | |
| '''[[Cupressaceae]]''' - ([[Cupressaceae|Cypress]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Juniperus virginiana]]'' L. - [[Eastern Redcedar]] [M, We]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Pinaceae]]''' - ([[Pine]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Pinus pungens]]'' Lambert - [[Table Mountain Pine]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Pinus rigida]]'' Miller - [[Pitch Pine]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Pinus virginiana]]'' Mill. - [[Virginia Pine]] [M, We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Tsuga canadensis]]'' (L.) Carrière - [[Eastern Hemlock]] [We]
| |
| | |
| ----
| |
| | |
| ===Division [[Magnoliophyta]] ([[Angiosperms]])===
| |
| ;Class [[Magnoliopsida]] ([[Dicotyledons]])
| |
| | |
| '''[[Aceraceae]]''' - ([[Maple]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Acer negundo]]'' L. - [[Boxelder]] [We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Acer platanoides]]'' L. - [[Norway Maple]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Acer rubrum]]'' L. - [[Red Maple]] [M, We, Wo]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Anacardiaceae]]''' - ([[Cashew]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Rhus glabra]]'' L. - [[Smooth Sumac]] [M]
| |
| *''[[Rhus typhina]]'' L. - [[Staghorn sumac]] [M, We]
| |
| *''[[Toxicodendron radicans]]'' L. - [[Poison ivy]] [M, We, Wo]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Berberidaceae]]''' - ([[Barberry]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Berberis canadensis]]'' Miller - [[American Barberry]] [R] [G3, SH, X]
| |
| *''[[Berberis thunbergii]]'' DC. - [[Japanese Barberry]] [EU]
| |
| *''[[Berberis vulgaris]]'' L. - Common or [[European Barberry]] [We]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Betulaceae]]''' - ([[Birch]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Alnus serrulata]]'' (Aiton) Willd. - [[Smooth Alder]] [Wo]
| |
| *''[[Alnus viridis]]'' (Villars) Lam. - Green or [[Mountain Alder]] [M]
| |
| *''[[Betula lenta]]'' L. - Sweet or Black Birch [Wo]
| |
| *''[[Betula nigra]]'' L. - [[River Birch]] [We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Betula populifolia]]'' Marshall - [[Gray Birch]] [Wo]
| |
| *''[[Carpinus caroliniana]]'' Walter - [[American Hornbeam]] [Wo]
| |
| *''[[Corylus americana]]'' Marsh. - [[American Hazelnut]] [Wo]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Caprifoliaceae]]''' - ([[Honeysuckle]] Family)
| |
| *[[Lonicera × bella|''Lonicera'' × ''bella'']] Zabel - Hybrid Honeysuckle [M]
| |
| *''[[Lonicera japonica]]'' Thunb. - [[Japanese Honeysuckle]] [M]
| |
| *''[[Viburnum dentatum]]'' var. ''lucidum'' Aiton - [[Viburnum dentatum|Arrow-wood]] [M, R]
| |
| *''[[Viburnum acerifolium]]'' L. - [[Maple-leaf Viburnum]] [We]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Celastraceae]]''' - (Staff-tree Family)
| |
| *''[[Celastrus orbiculatus]]'' Thunb. - [[Oriental Bittersweet]] [EU]
| |
| *''[[Celastrus scandens]]'' L. - [[American Bittersweet]] [We]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Cornaceae]]''' - ([[Dogwood]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Cornus florida]]'' L. - [[Flowering Dogwood]] [M, We]
| |
| *''[[Nyssa sylvatica]]'' Marsh. - Blackgum, [[Black Tupelo]] [We, Wood]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Ebenaceae]]''' - ([[Ebony]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Diospyros virginiana]]'' L. - [[Persimmon]] [We]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Elaeagnaceae]]''' - ([[Oleaster Family]])
| |
| *''[[Elaeagnus umbellata]]'' Thunb. - [[Autumn Olive]] [We]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Ericaceae]]''' - ([[Heath]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Chimaphila maculata]]'' (L.) Pursh. - [[Spotted Wintergreen]] [M, R, We]
| |
| *''[[Chimaphila umbellata]]'' (L.) Barton - [[Chimaphila umbellata|Pipsissewa]] [M, R, We]
| |
| *''[[Epigaea repens]]'' L. - [[Trailing Arbutus]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Gaultheria procumbens]]'' L. - [[Wintergreen]] [Wood]
| |
| *''[[Gaylussacia baccata]]'' (Wang.) K.Koch - [[Black Huckleberry]] [M, We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Gaylussacia dumosa]]'' (Andr.) T. & G. - [[Dwarf Huckleberry]] [Wood]
| |
| *''[[Kalmia latifolia]]'' L. - [[Kalmia latifolia|Mountain Laurel]] [M, We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Vaccinium stamineum]]'' L. - [[Dewberry]] [M, We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Vaccinium vacillans]]'' Torrey - [[Low Blueberry]] [M]
| |
| *'''[[Fabaceae]]''' - ([[Legume]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Cercis canadensis]]'' L. - [[Redbud]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Robinia pseudoacacia]]'' L. - [[Black Locust]] [M, We, Wo]
| |
| *'''[[Fagaceae]]''' - ([[Beech]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Castanea dentata]]'' (Marshall) Borkh. - [[American Chestnut]] [We, Wo] [G4, S2]
| |
| *''[[Castanea mollissima]]'' Blume - [[Castanea mollissima|Chinese Chestnut]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Castanea pumila]]'' (L.) Miller - [[Castanea pumila|Chinquapin]] [We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Quercus alba]]'' L. - White Oak [Wood, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Quercus ilicifolia]]'' Wang. - [[Bear Oak]] [We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Quercus marilandica]]'' Muenchh. - [[Blackjack Oak]] [M]
| |
| *''[[Quercus montana]]'' Willd. - [[Chestnut oak]] [We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Quercus prinoides]]'' Willd. - [[Chinquapin Oak]] [M]
| |
| *''[[Quercus rubra]]'' L. - [[Northern Red Oak]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Quercus stellata]]'' Wang. - [[Post Oak]] [M, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Quercus velutina]]'' Lam. - [[Quercus velutina|black oak]] [M, Wo]
| |
| *''Quercus'' x ''bushii'' Sarg. - Oak [M]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Hamamelidaceae]]''' - ([[Witch-hazel]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Hamamelis]] virginiana'' L. - [[Witch-hazel]] [We]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Juglandaceae]]''' - ([[Walnut]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Carya cordiformis]]'' (Wangenh.) K. Koch - [[Bitternut Hickory]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Carya glabra]]'' (Miller) Sweet - [[Pignut Hickory]] [Wo]
| |
| *''[[Carya tomentosa]]'' (Lam.) Nutt. - [[Mockernut Hickory]] [We, Wood, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Juglans nigra]]'' L. - [[Black Walnut]] [We, Wo]
| |
| '''[[Lauraceae]]''' - (Laurel Family)
| |
| *''[[Lindera benzoin]]'' Blume - [[Spicebush]] [M, R, We]
| |
| *''[[Sassafras albidum]]'' (Nutt.) Nees - [[Sassafras]] [M, R, We, Wo]
| |
| '''[[Magnoliaceae]]''' - ([[Magnolia]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Liriodendron tulipifera]]'' L. - [[Tulip Tree]], [[Yellow poplar]] [We, Wo]
| |
| '''[[Platanaceae]]''' - ([[Plane-tree]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Platanus occidentalis]]'' L. - [[American Sycamore]] [We]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Rosaceae]]''' - ([[Rose]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Amelanchier arborea]]'' (Michx.) Fern. - [[Downy Serviceberry]] [M, We]
| |
| *''[[Physocarpus opulifolius]]'' (L.) Maxim. - [[Ninebark]] [R]
| |
| *''[[Prunus cerasus]]'' L. - [[Sour Cherry]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Prunus pumila]]'' L. - [[Sand Cherry]] [M]
| |
| *''[[Prunus]] pumila'' var. ''cuneata'' (Raf.) L.H. Bailey - Eastern Dwarf Cherry [We] {G5, SU}
| |
| *''[[Prunus serotina]]'' Ehrh. - [[Prunus serotina|black cherry]] [M, We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Pyrus malus]]'' L. - [[Apple]] [M, We]
| |
| *''[[Rosa carolina]]'' L. - [[Pasture Rose]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Rosa multiflora]]'' Thunb. - [[Multiflora Rose]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Rosa virginiana]]'' Miller - [[Virginia Rose]] [M, We]
| |
| *''[[Rubus allegheniensis]]'' T.C. Porter - [[Common Blackberry]] [R]
| |
| *''[[Rubus argutus]]'' Link. - [[Tall Blackberry]] [M]
| |
| *''[[Rubus cuneifolius]]'' Pursh - [[Sand Blackberry]] [Wood]
| |
| *''[[Rubus flagellaris]]'' Willd. - Common or [[Northern Dewberry]] [M, R]
| |
| *''[[Rubus hispidus]]'' L. - [[Swamp Dewberry]] [M]
| |
| *''[[Rubus idaeus]]'' L. - [[Red Raspberry]] [M]
| |
| *''[[Rubus phoenicolasius]]'' Maxim. - [[Rubus phoenicolasius|Wineberry]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Spiraea alba]]'' Du Roi - [[Narrow-leaved Meadow-sweet]] [M]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Salicaceae]]''' - ([[Willow]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Populus deltoides]]'' Marsh. - [[Eastern Cottonwood]] [Wood]
| |
| *''[[Populus grandidentata]]'' Michx. - [[Large-toothed Aspen]] [We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Populus tremuloides]]'' Michx. - [[Quaking Aspen]] [We]
| |
| *''[[Salix nigra]]'' Marshall - [[Black Willow]] [Wo]
| |
| *''[[Salix serissima]]'' (L.H. Bailey) Fern. - [[Autumn Willow]] [Wo]
| |
| *''[[Salix occidentalis]]'' Walter - [[Dwarf Prairie Willow]] [R, We, Wo]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Simaroubaceae]]''' - ([[Quassia]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Ailanthus altissima]]'' (Mill.) Swingle - [[Tree-of-heaven]] [Wo]
| |
| | |
| '''[[Vitaceae]]''' - ([[Grape]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Parthenocissus quinquefolia]]'' (L.) Planch. - [[Virginia Creeper]] [M, R, We]
| |
| *''[[Vitis rotundifolia]]'' Michx. - [[Muscadines]] [M]
| |
| | |
| ;Class [[Liliopsida]] ([[Monocotyledons]])
| |
| | |
| '''[[Smilacaceae]]''' - ([[Smilax|Greenbrier]] Family)
| |
| *''[[Smilax glauca]]'' Walt. - [[Glaucous Greenbrier]] [M, R, We, Wo]
| |
| *''[[Smilax hispida]]'' Muhl. - [[Bristly Greenbrier]] [Wo]
| |
| *''[[Smilax rotundifolia]]'' L. - [[Common Greenbrier]] [M, R, We, Wo]
| |
| |
| | The Graminoids list was developed using the following publications, with authors' acronyms indicated:<br/>[F] Fleming et al. 1995, [M] Monteferrante 1973, [R] Reed 1984, [We] Wennerstrom 1995, and the unpublished data by [Wo] Worthley 1955-1985. |
| |
| ==List of Graminoids of the Soldiers Delight Natural Environmental Area== | | ==List of Graminoids of the Soldiers Delight Natural Environmental Area== |
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Line 33: |
| *''[[Carex]] rosea'' Schkuhr - Rosy Sedge, Stellate Sedge, Curly-Styled Wood Sedge [M, R] | | *''[[Carex]] rosea'' Schkuhr - Rosy Sedge, Stellate Sedge, Curly-Styled Wood Sedge [M, R] |
| *''[[Carex]] seorsa'' E.C. Howe - Weak Stellate Sedge [R] | | *''[[Carex]] seorsa'' E.C. Howe - Weak Stellate Sedge [R] |
| *''[[Carex]] swanii'' (Fern.) Mackenzie - Swan's Sedge, Downy Green Sedge [Wo] | | *''[[Carex]] swanii'' ([[Fern]].) Mackenzie - Swan's Sedge, Downy Green Sedge [Wo] |
| *''[[Carex]] umbellata'' Schk. - Parasol Sedge, Early Oak Sedge [R] | | *''[[Carex]] umbellata'' Schk. - Parasol Sedge, Early Oak Sedge [R] |
| *''[[Cyperus esculentus]]'' L. - [[Yellow nutsedge]] [Wo] | | *''[[Cyperus esculentus]]'' L. - [[Yellow nutsedge]] [Wo] |
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| ---- | | ---- |
| |
| | ==See also== |
| | ;''Soldiers Delight Natural Environmental Area'' |
| | *[[Ferns and fern allies of Soldiers Delight]] |
| | *[[Lichens of Soldiers Delight]] |
| | *[[Woody Plants of Soldiers Delight]] |
| | *[[Wildflowers of Soldiers Delight]] |
| | ;''Maryland + U.S.'' |
| | *[[Lichens of Maryland]] |
| | *[[Natural Environment Area (Maryland)]] |
| | *[[:Category:Grasses of the United States|Grasses of the United States]] |
| | |
| | {{commons category|Flora of Maryland}} |
| |
| ==References== | | ==References== |
| {{Reflist}} | | {{Reflist}} |
| *''Ongoing Survey List of Plants of Soldier's Delight.''[http://home.comcast.net/~ed_uebel/SD_plants.html]{{dead link|date=September 2017 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
| | *Brown, Melvin L. and Russell G. Brown. 1984. ''Herbaceous Plants of Maryland.'' Port City Press, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, 1127 pages. |
| *Brown, Russell G., and Melvin L. Brown. 1972. ''Woody Plants of Maryland.'' Port City Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 347 pages. | | *Davis, Charles A. 2004. ''List of Plants of Soldier's Delight.'' (Unpublished). |
| *Davis, Charles A. 2004. ''List of Plants of Soldier's Delight.'' (Unpublished). | | *[F] Fleming, Cristol, Marion B. Lobstein and Barbara Tufty. 1995. ''Finding Wildflowers in the Washington-Baltimore Area.'' The Johns Hopskins University Press, Baltimore and London, 312 pages. |
| *[F] Fleming, Cristol, Marion B. Lobstein. 1995. ''Finding Wildflowers in the Washington-Baltimore Area.'' The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 312 pages. | |
| *Gleason, Henry A., and Arthur Cronquist. 1991. ''Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada.'' (Second Edition) The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458, 910 pages. | | *Gleason, Henry A., and Arthur Cronquist. 1991. ''Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada.'' (Second Edition) The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458, 910 pages. |
| *Google Hybrid Map. 2006. Target building, Soldiers Delight Visitor Center. [https://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=h&om=0&z=18&ll=39.410062,-76.838945&spn=0.001127,0.002425] | | *Google Hybrid Map. 2006. Target building, Soldiers Delight Visitor Center. [https://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=h&om=0&z=18&ll=39.410062,-76.838945&spn=0.001127,0.002425] |
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Line 192: |
| *[R] Reed, Clyde F. 1984. ''Floras of the Serpentinite Formations in Eastern North America, with descriptions of geomorphology and mineralogy of the formations.'' Reed Herbarium, Baltimore, Maryland. | | *[R] Reed, Clyde F. 1984. ''Floras of the Serpentinite Formations in Eastern North America, with descriptions of geomorphology and mineralogy of the formations.'' Reed Herbarium, Baltimore, Maryland. |
| *[We] Wennerstrom, Jack. 1995. ''Soldiers Delight Journal - Exploring a Globally Rare Ecosystem.'' University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburg and London, 247 pages. | | *[We] Wennerstrom, Jack. 1995. ''Soldiers Delight Journal - Exploring a Globally Rare Ecosystem.'' University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburg and London, 247 pages. |
| *[Wo] Worthley, Elmer G. (1955-1985) ''List of Plants of Soldier's Delight.'' Unpublished. | | *[Wo] Worthley, Elmer G. 1955-1985. ''List of Plants of Soldier's Delight.'' Unpublished. |
| *[Wood] Wood, Sarah G. 1984. ''Mineral Element Composition of Forest Communities and Soils at Soldiers Delight, Maryland.'' Towson State University, Towson, Marland. | | |
| | ==External links== |
| | {{commons category|Poales}} |
| | *[https://web.archive.org/web/20071210143105/http://www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/central/soldiersguide.html Maryland Dept. Natural Resources — "Guide to the Soldiers Delight Natural Environmental Area"] |
| | *[http://home.comcast.net/~ed_uebel/SD_plants.html Ongoing Survey List of Plants of Soldier's Delight]{{dead link|date=December 2017 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} |
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| | [[Category:Grasses of the United States|.Soldiers Delight]] |
| | [[Category:Lists of flora of Maryland|Soldiers Delight]] |
| | [[Category:Lists of graminoids]] |
| | [[Category:Protected areas of Baltimore County, Maryland|Soldiers Delight related]] |
| | [[Category:Grasslands of the United States|Soldiers Delight]] |